High Arctic, Greenland and Canada – August/September 2024: Part V

Thursday 5 September: Pim Island, Buchanan Bay, Ellesmere Island – Sylvia We cruised south overnight, occasionally crashing and shuddering as we broke through the ice. We arrived this morning at Pim Island. This is the site where the remaining members of  ill-fated Greeley expedition team were rescued after wintering over with limited supplies in the […]

High Arctic, Greenland and Canada – August/September 2024: Part III

Wednesday 28 August: Devon Island – Sylvia As we were eating dinner yesterday I was looking out the window and spotted a few killer whales towards the stern of the boat. Unfortunately there weren’t any naturalists around so we didn’t stop for a closer look, which was a shame as the sun was glinting off […]

High Arctic, Greenland and Canada – August/September 2024: Part II

Saturday 24 August: Disko Bay – Sylvia Overnight we continued heading north along the west coast of Greenland. Unfortunately I didn’t sleep that well, despite calm seas. At about 4am I peaked out the window just as we were sailing past some quite large icebergs so I pulled back the curtains to enjoy the view […]