High Arctic, Greenland and Canada – August/September 2024: Part VI

Monday 9 September: West Greenland – Sylvia We woke this morning as we entered the Inukassaat fjord system north of Disko Island. The fjord is flanked on both sides by tall snow-capped mountains and dotted about with some rather large icebergs. there are a couple of tide-water glaciers deep into the fjord that obviously calve […]

High Arctic, Greenland and Canada – August/September 2024: Part IV

Sunday 1 September: Ellesmere Island at Sea – Sylvia Today has truly been an incredible and memorable day. We woke in the igloo this morning with the ship crunching and shuddering as it made its way through the sea ice. This makes for some impressive scenery, especially in the early morning light. Just after breakfast […]